Sunday, June 30, 2013

At the End of MY Rainbow...

Hello again! As usual, it's been a jam packed few days and I'm sitting here with my body aching and my brain half asleep and half devoted to updating this blog (oh, and watching a little Downton Abbey, too). Between the typical toddler chasing and baby bouncing, I've also been busy preparing for a "rainbow theme" baby shower for one of my first-time mama friends who's expecting a little girl! Add in a little vacation packing for four, dog grooming and 2nd year birthday bash planning and you've got a pretty fair picture of my last few days. 

The husband has been pulled into the chaos as well. Here's a sampling of skills he was so excited to practice as he "helped" me prepare for the shower:

1. Flower arranging: truth be told, he's done this one before and he's rather good at it! However, I still love watching him arrange the roses ever-so-carefully... He he.
2. Hanging-frilly-things-in-too-high-for-me-to-reach-places: whether it's bright yellow pom-poms, or multi-colored sashes, he's quite handy! 
3. Helium tank-loosening: those things are not easy to loosen! That's what husbands are for, right?! 
4. Toddler-distracting: thank goodness he was able to whisk Caden away on an "adventure" for a few hours during the shower (Baby Cooper got to stay with Mama to help host)! I don't know if Caden would've allowed my friend the pleasure of opening up her own gifts, otherwise... Not when he's going through the "MINE" stage. From my iPad to my toothbrush to the garden hose and his cars... Everything is HIS right now. So, thank you, Phil for helping me to avoid an almost certain demise at the busy hands of a nearly-two-year-old.

As much as I jest, I know that I have a good catch. Seriously. In college, Philused to go print my last-minute papers out in the middle of the night at a school he did computer work for at the time. He always buys my favorite snacks at the grocery store without me asking. He works hard so that I can stay at home and work hard raising our little men. He fixes everything because he knows how to fix everything, and I don't tell him enough how impressive that is. With his steady rationale, he keeps me from going cuckoo (or at least he tries) when I'm stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed. Best of all, he plays with my hair every night as I fall asleep. There is NOTHING more comforting or loving than that. I love you so much, Phil. I wasn't planning on making this post so much about you, but I guess that what happens when you realize how lucky you are... And I do. I  really do. (NOTE TO HUSBAND: read this post the next time I get really upset with you and tell you how absolutely mean you are, because that won't be true, but this always will be.)

Enough with the mushy-love-stuff, right?! Here's a 'quick list' of our most memorable moments for the week: 

1. Cooper trying his first bites of solid food (apples & bananas). Let's just say he put the "bitter beer" face to shame (for those of you who understand that reference). He was NOT a fan, but we'll keep trying.... Mama's milk must be too tasty! 

"What the hell is this, Mom?! Are you serious?!"

2. Caden putting on a LIVE rock concert complete with his Christmas tunes microphone and his dog-shaped "electric" guitar. Move overJagger, you've got some fresh competition! This kid is clearly ready to ROCK (if by rock you mean jam to jingle bells while pressing down the same button on his guitar over and over again. Then, clearly, yes he is ready to rock)! 

My little rockstar 

3. Witnessing Caden truly show affection and love to his little brother. Most of the time, Caden will "hug" Cooper because we ask him to, but this week I saw him genuinely want to hug and kiss cooper and that made me a very proud mama. 

I love you, brother....

I may cringe or hold my breath and count to ten during the particularly crazy and busy days, but I will never take for granted the opportunity I've been given to live such a full, rich and meaningful life. As rainbows were the theme of my friends baby shower, let me just say that I've already found my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  It comes in the form of 3 smart and loving men I am lucky enough to call my own. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, he could have helped. I had a 4 year old open up every single one of my gifts for me at my first shower because I couldn't do it one handed and I was still in my cast! So I appreciate the help. :)

    I also LOVE LOVE LOVE this post, it will make me smile forever.
