Tuesday, June 11, 2013

No place like home...

Well, I survived a weekend of trying-to-successfully-relive-my-college-days-but-not-really-doing-it-well. I wish I could say that I was exhausted from two full days/nights of "partying like it's 1999" (or 2003), but the truth is I'm strongly resembling the walking dead for the following reasons:

1. My crazy "old school" revisiting of my college days included consuming 4 drinks total (for the entire weekend), and yet I felt like it may as well have been 40. Here's the thing... I've always been a "lightweight." Now, I'm just a "nursing mama of two who is used to drinking coffee instead of beer" lightweight.  The 4 drinks did me in, and I unabashedly waved the white flag. The "college me" may have rallied, but the "thirty-something me" surrendered and gladly switched to water instead.

2. Since I thought it not wise to tote the kiddos to a weekend of revelry (they gladly stayed with NaNa and PaPa), I had to tote the oh-so-chic portable breast pump with me instead. Let's be honest, it's not a party until you break out the Medela bag (all you moms know exactly what I'm talking about)! Anyway, between my 4 drinks and my frequent pumping breaks, I may have become a tad dehydrated (and frustrated at walking back and forth to the dorm to relieve myself!). 

3. Part of experiencing college again involved me agreeing to stay on campus in a dorm. Remember those monochromatic extremely tight living spaces with the super uncomfortable twin extra-long (pancake thin) mattresses and the community bathrooms? Yeah, those dorms. After tossing and turning until dawn (4 drinks wasn't enough to numb me from the springs pressing into my back), I have come to the conclusion that my younger self must've either had a better mattress, or a lot less sensitivity and much thicker skin! Ouch! (Dear Husband, if you're creeping on my blog right now, we are so NOT staying in the dorms next time. Got it?) 

4. Did you REALLY think I could leave my children for the ENTIRE weekend?! Here's what you need to know about me (if you don't already): I have trouble with two things, relaxing and relinquishing control. Even though I knew I was leaving the boys in the most capable hands possible, I could not go an entire less-than-48-hours without kissing/snuggling/holding them. I DID have freshly squeezed (or pumped) milk to deliver to baby Cooper, and it was his FIRST time taking a bottle vs. drinking straight from the tap. So, after my first night away, I I drove back home (an hour from my alma mater) the next morning to visit with my munchkins, then back again later that day to live it up with the college pals, and finally back home in the wee hours of morning. Sound complicated? Maybe, but that's my middle name. 

So, for all of the above reasons (and the full acceptance that I'm not a carefree college kid anymore), I am STILL recovering from my not-so-youthful weekend. On the plus side, I was able to see some of my very favorite people on earth, including a dear friend (and former roommate) that I miss terribly already! For that reason alone, I am very glad I didn't let my mommy guilt didn't keep me away from my super wild and crazy weekend (yes, you're allowed to laugh now... I am).

I had fun, and I also realized along the way that I'm totally fine being a super-dedicated, maybe-a-little-too-hands-on-mom. There's a part of me that wishes I could loosen the reigns a little bit and turn down the worry a notch, but all in all, I am fine with accepting that this part of my life is all about my kids

Up until now, I envied the moms or parents that could "get away" from their children and unwind for a few days at the beach (or wherever) with no worries, no regrets. Now, I know that given the opportunity, I couldn't unwind as much as I wound myself up thinking about Caden and Cooper's little faces and missing them terribly. If I'm going to stick my toes in the sand, I better have 2 sets of little piggies right there next to me. I may not be able to party like I did a decade ago, but I can give the  best big "bear hugsand giggle like Elmo (or "mo-mo" as Caden calls him) like you wouldn't believe! Dorothy was right. "There's no place like home," and that's precisely where I want to be...

    Caden practicing his "swimming" in the bath.

    Cooper showing off his cute-chunky-cheeks 

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