Thursday, June 6, 2013

Old school (it's time for a reunion)

Hello, Thursday (a.k.a 1-day-until-the-freakin-weekend). You're a very welcome guest this week my friend! Firstly, because I'm absolutely positively wiped out from all the parenting fun that I've enjoyed this week, and secondly because this weekend is the husband's 10-year college reunion (my 9 year because I'm so much younger and more vibrant). We both went to the same "party" school, and I can't wait to see/hangout with some old pals! 

However, as excited as I may be, I must admit I'm a little apprehensive about the following:

1. Leaving baby Cooper for the first time
 Yes, he'll be left with his very capable and loving NaNa & PaPa, but he depends on me for all of his nourishment, and this will be his first time taking bottles :-(  (good luck NaNa!)
2. Missing my "cadebug"
Caden has stayed with my parents a few times now, but I don't miss him any less than I did the first time I was away. He'll be in heaven with his grandparents, and I'm sure they'll buy him a new toy car (or two ... or five). He probably won't even want to leave come Sunday!
3. I'm even more of a lightweight than I was in college
When it comes to throwing back a few, gimme one beer and I'm tipsy and slurring my speech (I'm serious, peeps). So, I'm just-telling-you-right-now, if we're going to play any sort of drinking games like we did in the "good old days," I'm holding up the white flag right now my friends.
4. I'm a mom now and there's this thing called social media (hello Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, tumblr and whatever-the-heck-else-there-is)
Knowing that, I am going to have to refrain from completely humiliating myself for the whole World Wide Web to see, m'kay? (I'm so thankful I graduated before Facebook took over the universe.)
5. I don't have time for a headache the next day. 
I've got mouths to feed (literally),  and I'm pretty sure nursing would suck with a hangover. 
6. I've come to terms that I'm not-that-old-but-not-that-young-either 
The only staying up until past 3 a.m. I do is baby-related. If it were up to me, I'd spend this weekend without the kiddos going to bed at 8 p.m. I'm not kidding.

Ok, so now that I got those worries out in the open, I feel better. Bring on the reunion (I'll be chasing my beer with excedrin and water)! Go U-D! 

On a serious note, I really am grateful thatching & I will be able to hang out with such a special group of friends that have truly become family to us. We can reminisce about where we all first met and bonded. My life wouldn't be nearly as full without our college friends. I know that, and I thank God for them all the time. They are the Aunts & Uncles to my boys, and I can't wait to see our kids grow up together!  I know there are already some arranged marriages planned, and frankly I'm cool with that! 

I'm also very thankful Caden & Cooper will be in such good hands. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, we are some lucky ducks to have my parents living in the same city. I don't take that for granted, and I hope I never will.

I'm ready for some old school fun. Life is (exhaustingly) good! 

  Phil & I  in our "college days" circa 2003

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