Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One for the books...

Well, today was definitely one for the books (if there was a book of days that make-you-want-to-rip-every-hair-out-of-your-head-while-screaming-madly). I'm going to try to remember everything that happened, but I fear I may have already blocked some of it out of my mommy-brain forever. 

The day started off innocent enough with the usual Caden screaming "mama, mama, mama" louder then you would think physically possible for a 22 month old (what size are his vocal cords?!). Then, as I step into his bedroom, he declares "POOP!!! POOP!!!" Great. "Thanks, I can smell it buddy." Good morning to me.  The husband makes Caden a quick breakfast, puts Cooper in his seat,  and then he's off to "bring home the bacon" while I have the absolute pleasure of scraping the leftover chewed up and spit out pancakes off the floor/table/wall/dogs/toddler. Yum. 

Here's a 'hit list' of the other fun activities we enjoyed today:
1. Caden putting Cooper in a headlock and pretending to eat him like Cookie Monster aggresively eats his cookies (nom nom nom nom nom)
2. Caden pulling Nessie's tail and ears and yelling "HI!!!" (She responded with equally loud yelps and squeaking sounds). How's that for a greeting?!
3. Caden hammering me on the head with his wooden toy hammer. It hurt. A lot. Who makes that thing?!
4. Caden stuffing way too many chips in his mouth and once again acing as Cookie Monster with so much gusto that the entire restaurant was staring at us (in pure admiration obviously)
5. Caden eating dog food (pretty typical, actually) even though he didn't finish his own dinner 
6. Cooper being very uncharacteristically fussy the entire day (he's teething big time) and Caden telling me it's because he has "POOP!!!" He doesn't, but Caden keeps insisting he does. Over and over again. 
7. Mama trying to go the the swim club with one kid thinking that may be semi-relaxing, and leaving an hour later because a previously mentioned fussy cooper just wasn't having it. At all.
8. Caden demanding "COOKIES (pronounced cah-cah)" after dinner, and then emptying an entire new container of super yummy smiley-face busken cookies on to the floor when presented with them. 
9. The dogs desperately trying to devour 'said' cookies and mama rescuing every last one 
10. Caden grabbing kitchen scissors from the dishwasher only to "run" into the playroom to try his hand at wood carving (the new wooden floors!) Luckily, we caught him just-in-time! 
11. Cooper continuing to be a fuss-bucket and refusing all naps. 
12. Caden launching every single one of his dozen bath toys out of the bath tub and flooding th floor. 
13. Caden & Cooper peeing in their baths (happens almost every night)
15. Caden eating his bath bubbles like.... You guessed it... Cookie Monster!

Let it be known that there was no more than an hour in between any of fhese episodes, so needless to say I'm exhausted/terrified/possibly scarred for life and need some R & R in a bad way.  My brain is shutting off for the evening and I'm keeping my fingers/toes/eyes crossed that tomorrow is a much better, less eventful day. Oy. 

But enough about my fun, fun day... How the heck was yours? 

What's up Oreo face?

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