Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Tomorrow is a new day..."

To quote the ever so wise "Anne of Green Gables," "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet." I actually went to bed last night (after the not-so-good-rotten day) thinking of that quote. Then, I started reminiscing about how much I loved Anne and the enchanted town of Avonlea as a kid. I used to dress up as her, in fact (sans the red hair), and I'd pretend I had a "Gill" of my own to tease and love. If you don't know what I'm talking about, sorry. It was just one of the greatest novel series of all time that inspired a pretty decent and long running tv series on the Disney channel. I watched and loved the show too. [Wow! That was a tangent (get used to those ;-) Moving on...]

Every day since I made the transition from being a workaholic in the office to a workaholic do-it-all mom, and since Caden made the transition from attending full-time daycare to being home with Cooper and me, I've made every attempt to stay really organized. What does that mean? It means that every Sunday I sit down at our kitchen table and make a schedule for every day of the week, from wake up time to what activities we're doing and what we're supposed to be learning, to field trips, naps and everything in between, I've got it all mapped out! Now, I'll be the first to admit that we don't always stick to the plan, but having a plan and goals for each day is very beneficial to us all. It keeps Caden active and engaged, it ensures Cooper is comfortable and cared for, and it means that I'll stay somewhat sane. It creates some semblance of balance in our jam-packed lives, and isn't that what everyone really craves? Balance?

There are some things, however, you have to fit in while doing something else at the same time. Every mom knows this. I think multi-tasking is an inherently female trait, but you don't truly fine tune that gift until you become a mother (true story!). For example, I get my running/exercise in while bringing Caden to and from his pre-preschool enrichment program 3 times a week. It's a nice route with plenty of downhill and uphill opportunities and a few fast flat spots too. Bringing both kids to the gym and getting them set up in the gym nursery just takes too much time and effort, and while I know it's silly, I feel guilty that they're there, and that's not at all the feeling I want to trail me during my supposedly stress-relieving workout. So, at least 3 days a week I load up the double jogging stroller with my 2 kiddos and all their stuff (you name it, we got it) and off we go! I go to the gym mainly on the weekends or when "Da-da" is available to take over for a bit. That's how I get my workouts in, by being flexible, ok with multitasking and ok with appearing sweaty in public (often). Here's some other nifty multi-tasking examples: I can fix Caden's breakfast/lunch while nursing Cooper, throw laundry in or take it out while singing a silly song or making animal noises, and I can play "cars" while picking up around the house. It just comes with the mama-territory. If I had any advice to give new moms or moms-to-be I would say, "expect that you will have very little time to yourself. So, whatever is important for you to accomplish in a day to give you peace of mind, be OK with accomplishing that thing while doing something else too. Your time is no longer your own, but you can still make the most of it."

Another thing that made today much better than yesterday is that it was supposed to rain throughout the day, and not only did it not rain until later this evening, it was sunny and warm with a nice wind! We took advantage of the weather and went for a run with a finish at a quaint and cute local coffee shop. We had a delicious lunch and met NaNa (my mom), which made Caden's day (mine too). It's amazing what a sunshine and family can do to brighten things up! I am very lucky to have my parents and younger brother living only a few miles away, because it means Phil and I have a great support system and our kids get to grow up having regular loving contact with their extended family. I grew up with all of our extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) living far away, and I remember yearning to have them closer, especially when most of my friends were surrounded by cousins and having so much fun! I hope having family close by will give Caden and Cooper more confidence and a stronger sense of self as they mature, knowing that they are both a part of a larger identity, a loving family that's all their own.

We ended our day playing with cars and "choo-choos" (what else?!) and talking about just how lucky we are to have another day like today. I'm sure there were plenty of mistakes (returning to the Anne quote here). There always are mistakes in any day, but I'm sure there was learning too, and probably much of it as a result of our mistakes. My feet are pretty sore, but my heart feels very full and ever-so-grateful that today was a much better day.


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