Thursday, April 18, 2013

Counting my blessings

Today was a good day at the zoo. I'm not talking about the actual zoo (lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!)... I'm talking about my little zoo that houses two monkey-like little boys, two noisy dogs, one ape (husband) and one zookeeper (me of course!). It wasn't that there was anything particularly specific that made today a good day. It's just that it was pretty tame (knock in wood) and sunny (albeit windy), and well, I just liked it.

Here are my 'top ten' favorite things about today:
1. The sunshine (because everyone is happier with a little sunshine)
2. Caden's swollen lip looked slightly less gruesome today
3. Cooper talking to me with loud, sweet babbles (might have my jabbering gene)
4. I got a challenging jog in (not sure I can call it a run as it was slower due to the double stroller and gusting wind, oh and me, I was also slow)
5. Deciding not to sweep floors and hold Cooper as he napped instead
6. Just because...
7. Sitting outside on the driveway watching Caden mow the grass (OK, it's a toy mower but its excellent training for later in life)
8. Wearing a coral colored under armor shirt (because its pretty)
9. Phil calling me just to say hello (wish he'd do that more!)
10. My life in general - all of it so far (yes, even the very bad no good days too)

No day is ever ever guaranteed, but each day is a blessing. I remind myself of that every night when I go to sleep (for 2.5 hours or until the Coopster wakes up ravenous) and every morning when I wake up. Believe me, there are minutes and hours of every day that I wish were different. There are moments I'd like to do over and better. There are memories that still make me shudder. But there are many more minutes, hours, days, moments and memories that I cherish. For every one of these - good and bad - I count them as blessings. They brought me here today, in the sunshine, staring in awe at these beautiful little men I played a part in creating (hats off to the husband, too). I know there will be challenges and sorrow and pain in my life, but if it means I get to be here for one more day living in my lovable little zoo, I'll take it. I'll take it and run.

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