Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I'm lying here listening intently for a newly-turned two year old to shout for "mama" or for the sound of books being torn and thrown off his shelf, but so far... I just hear the sound of sweet, silent slumber. Tonight is the very first night Caden is sleeping in his "big boy room" in "his big boy bed." I knew this day was coming. We've spent a lot of time in his new room lately, reading some new books, examining the many "choo-choos" on his new train sheets, staring at the letters hanging on the wall that mama painted for him when he was a baby. We've become very familiar with this room, but until tonight my little boy still slept in the nursery in his crib. 

Until tonight, I held on to that little piece (the crib) of him being a baby, and because of that I guess I thought he would hold on to the crib too...but he didn't and he's not. He's peacefully snoozing in his roomy new bed with all his favorite blankets and stuffed animals (and a few cars) tucked by his side. He's breezing through this milestone while I'm stumbling across it, teary-eyed and not quite ready for my "baby" to become a boy overnight. 

I've felt like that a lot lately, like I'm observing my sweet little men approach, tackle and pass milestones without second glance, while I am the one who constantly and longingly looks back. 

Cooper is sitting up on his own now, eating solids, grabbing everything in sight and blowing raspberries like a raspberry-blowing king (if ever there was one)! He's the most delightful, content, jolly, cherub-like baby that I've ever witnessed and I'm so very lucky that he's mine. He is "supposed" to be the next one to transition from our room to the nursery next week, but I'm feeling pretty weak right now, very sentimental and I'm not so sure this sappy mama can handle another transition so soon... I'm not so sure I want to... 

Yes, I know that when my alarm goes off tomorrow (either the one next to the bed, the one sleeping next to me, or the one snoozing in the other room), I will wish I had more time to sleep, but I'm hoping that I can think of just how quickly time passes while I'm wide awake watching my children grow up. Sleep can wait. They can't. 

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