Sunday, July 14, 2013

Back to our abnormal normal...

Well, we've been home for a few days now and most of the aftershock of our tumultuous trip has died down, or at least blended into our already zany day-to-day life. Caden is still a firecracker, but at least he is in a safe, familiar place where his brilliance can be enjoyed and any damage contained. He's home (one of his favorite words to say) vs. trapped in an unknown hotel room or thrown into a crowded new place with mostly new faces. He's surrounded by all his favorite toys (cars), foods, his dogs and his yard. Basically, he's got his mojo back (if toddlers can have mojo)...  And that means that mama can at least resume a somewhat normal semblance of a routine (both for me and the kids)! I found out the hard way last week that Caden is NOT the only one who self-destructs when removed from his routine. Mama and DaDa don't do so well either. In fact, out of all our wear travelers, baby Cooper won the "best behavior" award hands down! He certainly lived up to one of his nicknames, "Cooper the Trooper" (thank you, God once again for giving me such a loving, content baby the second time around). 

How cute is this guy, anyway?!

Here are "a few of my favorite things" that I (thoroughly) enjoyed at home this week: 

- my OWN bed! Don't get me wrong, the beds at the Marriott are ah-maze-ing compared to many other hotels, but there is NOTHING like climbing on to your own bed and sliding underneath your own covers (especially after the never ending 2-day trip home crammed in the back of an overstuffed SUV with a baby, 3 adults, way-too-many-bags-and-miscellaneous-items and a cranky, overstimulated iPad addicted toddler). I am currently OBSESSED with my bed. Seriously. Sadly, I'll never spend enough time there, but anytime is quality time for sure.

Here's a sprawled out toddler in our hotel bed - I was balancing on the edge next to him... 

- my own BATHROOM/SHOWER... I don't have to tell anyone who's traveled this I'm sure, but when you're road-tripping it and have to make a few pit stops and begrudgingly use the filthiest commodes America has to offer (I still can't believe Britney Spears went barefoot in one of those!) you truly learn to appreciate and even yearn for your own regularly cleaned and only mildly used toilet. I also couldn't wait to enjoy a flip flop-less shower (ok maybe I'm paranoid) topped off my using my OWN towel. I also couldn't wait to bathe Cooper and Caden in their own tub surrounded by their favorite bath time toys and non-travel size shampoos and lotions. 

- our KITCHEN with REAL non-restaurant food! Again, I appreciate that the Marriott Residence Inn serves complimentary breakfast every morning, and thank god NaNa and PaPa took Caden off of our hands for a few minutes each morning to enjoy this amenity... BUT I am sick of all restaurants, greasy spoons and road trip snacks from now until a-long-time-from-now. Bring on the home-cooked meals (and yes even the dirty dishes)! Caden is also LOVING eating all his favorite snacks at home, because let's face it, there just better that way...

- the LAUNDRY ROOM... Yes, I said it. I actually missed my washer and dryer! My mom and I ended up doing a couple light loads of wash at the hotel, but I felt like I was slumming it in the dorms again with my ten dollars worth of quarters and my overstuffed small laundry bags slung over my shoulder. There's nothing like hanging out in the community laundry room guarding your underwear and socks! I was pretty pleased to use my own detergent and dryer sheets this week and most of all to not worry about getting it out at the allotted 30-minutes-per-cycle per the hotel policy.

- my mindless TV shows... I didn't dare even switch on the television in the hotel room for fear of waking two sleeping kids that were taking up the ENTIRE bed (while the husband and I awkwardly occupied our tiny sections). I couldn't watch anything on my iPad, as my toddler hijacked it for the whole trip (and I let him because it kept him somewhat entertained and not-so-insane). Anyway, let me tell you what a complete luxury it is to flip on the tv while sitting in my OWN bed eating my OWN food while having somewhat more space (although I'm still surrounded by 2 dogs, a baby and a husband). It's pretty flipping fantastic! 

- finally, I'm just glad to be H-O-M-E... Because being home means that everyone's more at ease, more well rested, and therefore less moody, and therefore less inclined to act like a maniac (here's looking at you, Caden). I'm home with our hyperactive-but-oh-so-devoted pups. I am back at the gym (otherwise known as my addiction) and near my own coffee pot (that I don't have to sanitize and re-sanitize and still feel totally anxious to use). I'm captain of my ship again (or co-captain if the husband is reading this entry) and commander of my own tiny army. My little corner of the world has been reclaimed and things are once again back to our abnormal normal. 

Godspeed to all the mamas and dads out there getting ready to hit the road or board a plane/train/boat with young kids. Stay strong brave soldiers, try to enjoy the ride and make some memories and remember... You'll be home soon.

These little rascals look pretty happy to be home too... 

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