Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Tale of the No-Napper

Remember that saying, "there's no rest for the wicked?" Well, I'm fairly convinced I must've done something "wicked" because lately I'm getting zero rest/alone time/try-not-to-go-insane time. Why?! Oh, because my not quite two year old all of the sudden is refusing to take naps and has vehemently protested bedtime for two days straight!!! I'm about to lose my mind (or the little that's left of it)!

Typically, Caden goes down for a nap for about an hour and a half in the early to late afternoon (varies a little depending on the day), and I treasure this time to do any of the following:
1. Spend one on one time with baby Cooper snuggling on the couch, or playing on the floor, chatting, etc.
2. Clean up around the house (or clear the path of destruction Caden has left behind)
3. Take a shower (a very rare luxury these days)
4. Eat something (other than a protein bar)
5. Take a nap, too (this hardly ever ever happens, but it's nice to know I could ... One day)

Nap-time is one of the very few moments I have to breathe during the day, and to worry about one kid versus two (a vacation for sure). When I'm not afforded that opportunity, I'm not a happy camper (just ask the husband).

Over the last two (excruciatingly long) days, I've literally examined everything that's occurred (and I mean everything). Short of him not wearing socks to bed one night, and brushing his teeth with the green toothbrush vs. the blue one, nothing has changed from his normal nap and bedtime routine. I took his temperature (a cool 98 degrees), examined his entire body for unforeseen "boo-boos" or rashes... Nothing. Nothing!! I asked him what was wrong, and he responded with, "cars" followed by "bus" followed by "da-da" topped off with "cars" again. Thanks, kid... Big help, buddy. Thanks for that.

Basically, I have no freaking clue what the deal is! I actually found myself promising him "cookies before dinner" if he napped (although I think I would have given him cookies FOR dinner if he actually slept at all).

Although Caden is pretty rambunctious most of the time, he has been a great sleeper ever since I begrudgingly agreed to allow him to sleep in his crib when he was around 8.5 months (mama had a little separation anxiety, I admit). He typically goes down fast and hard (even our 2 very hyper dogs barking at every dog they see on TV) doesn't wake him. For that reason, I never really thought I'd be dealing with a "no-napper" anytime soon. Every (stupid) parent book or article I read (all lies) said "kids typically don't begin to give up napping until around the age of three or four." Really?! Really?! Well, how about telling that to my 22 month old?! He's the delightful tow-headed monster screaming at the top of his lungs while jumping up and down in his crib.

I'm praying that this is just a phase (a very, very short one), and that tomorrow I am greeted by my nap-loving, bedtime friendly little boy again (and if that happens, I'll give him cookies as promised). "Are you listening "Nap Fairy? This is a very tired, frustrated mama begging you to come back from your vacation and resume your day-to-day sleep-inducing responsibilities. I'm not above bribing you if needed, too (do you like cookies?)..."

Seriously, there better be some sleeping going on tomorrow, or things are about to get real (real zombie-like that is).

Have any of you other mamas out there been through a nap strike with your toddler? What are some tried and true ways you got them back on track? Help wanted!

The photo for today is what happened when my "no-napper" attempted to eat his dinner. FAIL.

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