Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Series of Unfortunate Events...

Did I say I would update this thing "every other day?" What-I-really-meant-was-whenever-I-have-time-or-energy. It's been a rough few days. Nothing particularly earth shattering has occurred, rather just a series of unfortunate events that have left me feeling less than inspired. I know that you're allowed to have "one of those days" but what about one of those weeks?!  

Here's the short list of "joys" we've experienced this week:
1. Caden has this new game where he likes to sprinkle milk (completely on purpose) from his sippy cup  all over the floor/couch/baby brother/dogs/table. I say "NOOOOO!" He giggles and then bites the lid entirely off and dumps the milk on whatever surface he chooses. Fun, fun, fun times I tell you... (By the way, have you ever smelled sour milk? Imagine smelling that every time you turn the page of a book because your toddler decided to bathe every page in milk!!!)
2. It's been raining a lot. I know it's good for the plants (and our new sod), and just like anyone I love a good thunderstorm, but enough is enough! It's depressing and it ruins my running plans.
3. Poor baby Cooper was (uncharacteristically) miserable for almost a fully 24-hours before the reason for his misery was discovered by my Mom. A strand of my hair was tangled and wrapped very tightly around his left index finger, strangling it and cutting off all circulation. It's called a hair tourniquet, and apparently it's more common than I ever would've guessed! We went to the pediatrician's office to ensure there was no more hair and no damage, and all is well! Read more here:

Look at poor Cooper's finger! 

4. I got in a stupid fight/argument with my Mom. I was frustrated (and sleep deprived), but I know that's no excuse. We both said things we didn't mean. We both got way too upset, and nothing positive came from it. My mom is my best friend, so whenever we argue, it really gets me down and I'm always sorry it ever happened.
5. I'm just lacking any energy/motivation/inspiration this week. For those of you who think I have this constant flow of energy and enthusiasm, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm just like any other mama trying to keep herself afloat in the midst of a whole lot of craziness (and spills, and snot, and scrapes, and some spit-up too). I'm a hamster in an ever-turning wheel (except maybe in my case it's more like the spin cycle of my washing machine). 

I'm sorry, folks. It seems I'm lacking in gusto and cheer, but I want to always "tell it like it is"... to keep it real. So. If you're looking for that "double rainbow" at the end of this post, you won't find it. Period. (See what I did there?!) 

Wait!! There is one lovely thing to share! Cooper and I enjoying our new porch swing (a gift from my it's for Mother's Day)! 

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