Monday, May 20, 2013

Soaking it up

It's been a little while since my last post (I know, I know you've been stalking my page just waiting for this update, right?). Things have been hectic in a (mostly) good way, as we prepared for sweet Cooper's baptism last Sunday. Fortunately, (since my last post) the week took a more positive turn, and our "series of unfortunate event" dissipated (and my mom I are are back to being best buds, thank goodness!). Don't get me wrong, we still experienced our share of skinned knees (Caden's), bruises (mine), smelly toots (Cooper's and Phil's) and some nap battling (among other protests), but things returned to our unique shade of normal. 

You know that expression that basically states that one day you'll all of the sudden realize that you've officially become your mother. Well, believe me, I never thought that statement to be true until my Dad said to me this past weekend, "Katie, you really ARE turning into your Mom" (as I'm hovered under the kitchen table with the dust buster after the baptism). What?! Doesn't everyone vacuum up crumbs the moment they make contact with the floor? As soon as he said it, I had to laugh, because it was oh-so-true! No matter where we lived and how much we had going on, my mom always made sure that everything was in its place and looked pristine. As she will admit, this was sometimes to a fault, because it caused her to go,go,go without pausing to really appreciate the mess for what it truly represented, a family that was having a lot of fun playing together! In fact, she reminds me all the time now to slow down and not worry about "making everything perfect." Most of the time, I listen (just not when hosting a party). I get down on the floor to play "cars" with Caden and build a giant train track with lots of twists and turns (and bridges too)! I snuggle sweet Cooper, knowing he'll be bigger (and more mobile) far too soon.  I know life moves too fast. Even so, sometimes, I find myself with a DustBuster under the kitchen table. It's OK though, because along with everything having a place, my mom also taught me how to make sure every special milestone in our lives was celebrated and full of love. So, Dad, if you're reading this... I'll take your comment as a big compliment. I guess I am turning into Mom.

Cooper behaved like a little gentleman during his baptism ceremony and smiled through all of the rituals. We were and are so proud. It's important for our children to begin their journeys in faith early. Although, there were and are still times in my life that I don't make it to mass every Sunday, I never ever doubt God's presence in my life and place in my heart. I want that for my children too.  Caden was a pistol (or maybe more like a cannon) as usual. Thank goodness for Jenny (my future sister in law) who chased him around in the back of the church like a zookeeper trying to tame a lion cub! My little brother and one of our dearest friends (who is truly the sister I always wanted and the aunt Caden and Cooper need) served as Cooper's godparents (as they also do for Caden).  The same priest that baptized Caden also welcomed Cooper into the Church. We prepared way too much food (as usual) and drank too much wine (ask anyone, I'm a lightweight), and  we celebrated the beginning of what I pray is a very strong and deep faith-filled journey for our son. It was a sacred day, and one that I know we'll always treasure as a family. 

Isn't it funny how life works? It's usually a "series of unfortunate events" that open your eyes a little wider to the joy that surrounds you. It's typically the dark days that allow you to bask a little longer in the bright ones.  

I'm soaking it all up, God. I promise.

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