Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My very own "Groundhog Day"

Let me start by saying that there is not a single day that goes by that I don't realize how fortunate I am to be healthy, to have children and a husband who are healthy, to live in a beautiful home with many amenities that I know many people in our nation and beyond live without. I am grateful just to be here and I completely get that and thank god everyday. That being said, I will also admit that there are many mornings (like this morning) that I wake up, as I kick both lazy dogs to the end of the bed, stare at the ceiling and try to muster up the energy and enthusiasm to dive into my very own Groundhog Day. And as I round the corner (before I've had my coffee)  into the kitchen and hear my two year old whining "Mama... Mama.... Cookies! Cookies," I can totally relate to Phil Connors as he tries unsuccessfully to avoid the seemingly ever-present and über irritating Ned. I'm not comparing my toddler to an irritating insurance salesman (or am I?), but I am saying that life as a SAHM can be pretty monotonous at times

Each morning without fail, Caden will demand cookies for breakfast and I will have to explain to him (for the bizillionth time) why we can't have cookies for breakfast. I will shove a plate of pancakes or peanut butter toast in front of him, while opening up a can of puréed bananas for Cooper and trying desperately to get caffeine into my system (if I could have a drip IV I would) and maybe a few real bites of food (wait... is a protein bar food?). This is my every.single.morning. There is very little variation. Though I cannot say that each day unfolds exactly the same way, I can certainly promise that there will be several nonsensical tantrums, at least a few viewings of Monsters, inc. (or "momers" as Caden calls it), lots of wet and/or super smelly diapers, a handful of Cooper being tackled by Caden encounters, a minimum of two timeouts, countless wiping of the counters/floors/walls/hands/faces, and an endless stream of "No...No...  Mama said No... No... NO!!!" The scenery and activities may shift slightly, but the characters and plot remain the same (quite similar to any movie starring Jennifer Aniston). So, while I still count my blessings everyday, I sometimes find my mind wandering to the world that exists beyond these kiddie-smudged walls.

I know I'm not alone. I see it in the haggard, vacant stares of other mamas that I spy at the grocery store. I watch the mom next to me on the elliptical as she run-pedals into oblivion just trying to hang to the maybe thirty or forty mere minutes she has to herself... I hear it in the strained voices of moms imploring their adventurous kiddo to "get out from under the table... Stop licking that... Get that out of your mouth right now... 1...2...3..." I see it, I feel it, I hear it and I get it.  I'm right there with you Mommies. We are seeing our shadows together - day in and day out. 

So,  here's what I've decided. I'm going to do at least 1-2 things everyday (with or without the kiddos) that make the day stand out in some way. They don't have to be big or even that exciting. They just have to be something that keeps things interesting and keeps me in the world of the living. Here are a few things I've done over the last few days... 

1. Have a dance party in the kitchen with the boys: this was so much fun and a great way to burn some calories and some energy before nap time. We covered some oldies and some newbies and made up some pretty awesome dance moves too! Look out Miley. You may know how to twerk it, but me and my boys know how to work it! 

2. Paint my nails with a color or pattern I wouldn't normally do:  This sounds minor but it actually did a lot to brighten my mood and my day. I usually play it pretty safe with a palette of corals and pinks, but check out these digits.... Pretty "cray, cray" right? It's the little things...

3. Do something artistic (or get back in touch with the more interesting part of my brain):  I used to be a very creative, vibrant, innovative person, and too often I forget to let that side of myself out (or I'm too exhausted to even try to create anything other than a weekly grocery list). I have been wanting to do some artwork for the boys' rooms, starting with Caden, who has a "planes, trains and automobiles" theme. This is a work in progress (and only the first of a few pieces to come), but here's proof I have preserved some of my creativity... (Again, it's not done yet...)

While those things may seem unexciting to the average person, or non-parent, they definitely add a little zest to my life and a slight spring to my step, and most importantly they help to differentiate the long days and nights that seem all too often to blend together. They remind me that I'm still at steering wheel (somewhat) in control of my own life. They make me feel alive. I may still have a lot to learn about motherhood and being an adult (because I still feel like a kid), but I do know that it's not easy to stay positive when your life starts to feel like it's a little lackluster. So, if a daring new nail color or a dance-off in the den is what gives it a little pizazz... Well, then I'm going to dance my colorful, creative hiney off! The dishes and laundry can wait. After all, something tells me they'll be there tomorrow...

    This kid knows how to enjoy life that's for sure...

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