Monday, September 23, 2013

Feeling full...

Sorry for not meeting my weekly commitment to share a post in bloggerverse last week. I got caught up with life and all of its wackiness. I am recommitting myself now. No excuses.

It isn't that life has been particularly crazy or any more hectic than usual. It's that it's been more full--- full of finishing up home improvement projects, welcoming cooler weather and warmer clothing, swinging on the front porch, encouraging Cooper to crawl, watching "Monsters, Inc." for the 500th time, and jumping into managing my very own business while remaining a full time stay at home mom. It's been a very full life lately, and you know what? I really like it that way. 

Like many moms, I was starting to feel like I was getting lost in the shuffle and flattened by the daily grind. Everyday was  starting to feel like "groundhog day" (see previous post). I felt like a robot programmed with one setting -"motherhood." The problem was there was no "OFF" button and little to no recharging. 

Upon re-reading my last entry, I realized that I had to shake things up a little, and commit to finding some time (even an hour a day and/or night) to enjoy being me again. I'll be honest, I'm good at making lists, but not so good at following them. I think I do if more to attempt to get things off my mind, but not necessarily to put into action. I admire those of you who can pen a killer "to do" and then execute it like there's no tomorrow. Since that's unfortunately not me, I just started doing the stuff bouncing around my head, or the stuff kept me wide awake at night. Stuff like... 

Finally creating "planes, trains and automobiles" art for Caden's room (Now, cooper's room is next!)

It's hard to see the detail here... But I had a lot of fun getting back in touch with my creative and artistic side, and it truly helped me relax. All four pieces are now displayed on Caden's wall and every time he looks at them he says "mama" and smiles the biggest smile. That's like getting a "five star review" in my book.

Getting to the gym six days a week for forty minutes of fitness - rain or shine, cranky or happy, tired or more tired... I'm there.

I'm not a calorie counter and I don't usually know how much I weigh on any given day. That's not why I go to the gym. I'm there because it keeps me sane. Whether it's the natural endorphins, the time to myself, or the boost of confidence that I feel when I walk out the door to trek back home, exercise really is my drug. 

Framing and hanging our recent family photos in the "perfect" spot 

This may seem pretty simple, but I bought those frames when we first moved into our house six months ago. I had no idea where they would go, how thru would look, or what photos would inhabit them. So, for six months I had six frames (one not pictured here) that sat without purpose in a dark closet until one of my late night revelations brought them to life (well, that and a little help from my handy husband). I am so pleased with his they turned out! 

Welcoming fall into our home, and particularly to our front porch...

A little autumn garland, a warm wreath, some new colorful cushions, a few mums and voila! All I need now is a cup of hot cocoa, a good book and both kids napping! I love this time of year and am grateful we have a beautiful space to enjoy it.

And last but not least, I started my own communications/marketing business - something I've always wanted to do...

When I left my corporate job after Cooper was born, I knew I was leaving so that I could spend more time with my boys, so that I could experience them as little people navigating through the world for the first time. I also feared that I'd not be able to find a way to satiate my urge to write and create. That's a big reason I began this blog. I knew it would be good reflective therapy as an exhausted mama, a nice way to capture memories (naughty and nice ones) for the boys, and hopefully a place where other moms (and dads) could go to giggle and nod and maybe even cry (the therapeutic kind of tears that happen when you realize there are others out there like you...). This blog helped me realize that I could take an even bigger leap. Why not start my own business? Why not just try? So, after a few more staring-at-the-ceiling self reflections, I decided the details (business cards, website, marketing) could wait. I'd just try my hand at what I do best ... Jumping in. It's only been a few short weeks, but I have some initial assignments booked and I'm feeling the love. 

As I wrap this up, I'm gotta say I'm feeling very full --- full of gratitude that God has given me the capacity to nurture those I love most while also nurturing my my mind, body and soul. 

I needed a wake up call, so I stopped making lists. I started making things happen. 

To all the mamas (and dads) still awake out there counting ideas and hopes and to do's instead of sheep, stop over thinking it... Don't starve yourself of your own time and talents. Spend time filling yourself up again. Be full. 

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