Monday, August 26, 2013

Dear Miley...

Sorry for the longer-than-usual lapse in posting. We were at the beach! Originally, I planned to dedicate this blog to our beach-going days, but I now have something more pressing on my mind (and unfortunately invading my short-term memory). It involves a certain formerly g-rated now turned xxx-rated Disney darling and her recent cringe-worthy porn-formance at MTV's 2013 VMA awards. I really don't want to write about her at all, but I DO want to write about what it truly means to be "lady" in a society that is breeding "tramps." 

Dear Miley - We get it. You're a far cry from your squeaky-clean, sweet-talking, fun-loving Disney pop star alter ego. Hannah Montana is not only dead and buried, she's turning in her pink and purple bedazzled grave after yesterday's VMA debacle. 

Dear Miley - You claim you're not a role model. That's refreshing, as the only role you're playing is one of a trashy, classless wannabe temptress trying to mask a desperate, overexposed, confused young woman. That role is not one I wish for any woman or girl or person to model in any way. Ever.

Dear Miley - The eyes-wide-open, mouths agape, frozen faces that you're seeing staring back at you are not in awe of you, but in contempt of your behavior. It's not the gyrating hips, sexual-simulating moves and latex that shock us. It's the blatant absence of dignity and self respect you so freely display. It's the stain you leave in the minds of impressionable young girls (and boys, too). 

Dear Miley - It's hard enough for children (especially girls) to stay grounded with some sort of moral code while growing up in a society that exploits sexuality at a very young age, encourages lust for material things, and breeds disrespect towards self and others, because being "cool" is much more important than having values and acting with any sort of class. You're definitely not a role model, but you are clearly the perfect puppet with no conscience to guide you, only the strings of money and fame (at all costs). 

Dear Miley - What I hope and pray is that if by some chance impressionable young teens saw your latest tryst on stage, they themselves have what you are clearly lacking, a sense of right and wrong and a strong set of guiding hands (parents or guardians) to turn the TV off and the family conversation on.

Dear Miley - You're only young once, and YOLO and all that jazz, but with that one life comes the chance to make a difference in the lives of others, to be remembered for your talent and heart versus your body and blatant self-destruction. Like it or not, you live a very public life, and while I can not imagine how exhausting and difficult that is, it's the life you willingly choose to lead each day. You worked hard to achieve all that you've achieved in twenty years, will you now spend the next twenty acting like a fool just to show us that you can? People will tune in. After all, misery loves company. Just understand the difference between tuning in to watch a class act versus another train wreck. 

Dear Miley - You succeeded in your mission to get all kinds of attention. From the Internet, to every form of social media, to the television, to radio and word of mouth, you are indeed "the talk of the town." The talk is of another self-indulgent, desperate, shock-hungry, messed up teen who uses her breasts and butt more than her brain.

Dear Miley - When the tweets die down and the news ticker stops flashing your name, you'll forever be left with your own instant replay - the one of you exploiting yourself on a very public stage in a very profane way while everyone watched with disgust and sadness NOT admiration. 

Dear Miley - Your children, should you have them, will one day watch you too and wonder if that's the way they should treat their own bodies - "just like mama." Will you tell them then like you've told everyone now that you're "not a role model?" 

Dear Miley- The future isn't as far off as you think. 

Your Neglected Moral Code

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